John’s journey with LMTCs (“Elements”) Love, Money, Travel, Cooking, Smoothies. By Angel Jones Part One John’s Journey to Love, Fulfillment, Meaning, and …

John’s journey with LMTCs (“Elements”) Love, Money, Travel, Cooking, Smoothies. By Angel Jones Part Two However, while John was improving his love …

John’s journey with LMTCs (“Elements”) Love, Money, Travel, Cooking, Smoothies. By Angel Jones Part Three Inspired by his newfound stability and partnership …

John’s journey with LMTCs (“Elements”) Love, Money, Travel, Cooking, Smoothies. By Angel Jones Part Four Back home, John and Emma felt the …

John’s journey with LMTCs (“Elements”) Love, Money, Travel, Cooking, Smoothies. By Angel Jones Part Five John’s final step in his transformation was …